
The Lumina Project team includes 17 people from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Humboldt State University (HSU), and Kenya:

Dr. Evan Mills is the founder of the Lumina Project. He and Dr. Arne Jacobson serve as the principal investigators at the respective institutions.

Dr. Francis Rubinstein, Dr. Jessica Granderson, Dmitriy Bolotov, Dr. Robert Clear, and Jim Galvin at LBNL conducted a series of analytical laboratory measurements of the performance LED-based lighting products.

At HSU, graduate students Peter Johnstone, Kristen Radecsky, and Jennifer Tracy have played a central role in the fieldwork in Kenya and the subsequent analysis, along with field team-leader Arne Jacobson and Kenyan counterparts Maina Mumbi and Francis Ngugi. In addition, Scott Rommel and Kyle Palmer, electronics technicians associated with the Schatz Energy Research Center at HSU, worked to develop data loggers for inclusion in the LED lamps deployed in the field. Also at HSU, Dr. Dustin Poppendieck has led efforts to characterize the particulate emissions and associated health impacts from the use of several different types of kerosene lamps. Undergraduate engineering students James Apple, Annie Yarberry, Ryan Vicente, and Nathan Lohse have worked with Dustin Poppendieck to carry out these laboratory measurements.